Hemp Cruisers #6 & 7 now showing

Week six and seven combined in this weeks road racing of old town Eureka. Stuff happens when you draw two draws on the same small page. Oh well productivity is paramount. You don’t accomplish anything if you don’t apply yourself. Make stuff happen now, every single day! Go ART!

These Cruisers will be up and running for window view for the next week. Stop on by

Humboldt Bay coloring book

Humboldt Bay coloring book coming soon to an Art store near you! This book is completely different from the Eureka coloring book & will be full of sea type critters, flying ones too. Gotta have some boat action and don’t forget about our favorite Fisherman sculpture watching over Woodley island. Book should go on sale soon for $20 bucks. Go ART!

Hemp Cruiser #2 week 2 of fourteen week show, say that one five times fast!

Smell the burnt rubber all the way across the street to Fish & Game, old town Eureka. As promised the Hemp Cruiser run continues. With the Daytona 500 in the rear view this one is in the Front View! Act now don’t wait fore it may be too late and gone in 60 seconds!

Humboldt Freedom

Ideas that become reality - Humboldt Freedom the latest to reach that status, nice. Sometimes you gotta toot your own horn, toot toot this ones in the books, el finee! completo! Simple ideas soon morph into something more complex, let the piece take you where it needs to go. Spend the time to make it actually happen. Most importantly finish that bad dog cuz something unfinished is just unfinished. Make it happen.

Doing this build took me back to being a kid in Iowa growing up building car models with my brother, we’d paint em up make em look real. Fast forward now the same except I have to come up with the idea, make the parts and assemble, no big deal thats the fun part. Remember where you came from and you will go far.

Humboldt Series Part 2 - the draw continues Arcata this draw

Crappy WX continues to fill the redwoods with plenty of rain water to drink, they are a thirsty bunch. Am tired of the constant rain so curb my artistic abilities to the daily draw. Bair House located up on the hill in Arcata classic Queen Anne architecture built in 1888. Notice the similarities of this draw and the Pythian Castle located just down a few blocks. Both have the witches hat roof lines. Older different time period from now. Very cool but tough draws.

Not much to post Covid continues

Covid still goes but does that stop you from doing stuff? New shark build close to completion, very large and in charge. He goes by “Shark Buoy”. Very large dark intimidating eyes 2.5” all wrapped in a copper skin. Check out Shark Buoy first chance you get. You will be scared!

Wow! What happened to 2020?

Obviously I have neglected to post recent Art happenings. With the current COVID-19 pandemic I’ve been closed in like the rest of you. Late March 2020 I relocated my welding equipment back home, rebuilt new work bench and went to work, from home. Fast forward to end of June I totally rebuilt back portion of Copper Quad Art Car. Out with the old granny seat, in with a new racing Recaro seat! With that came a new design and name for machine on door. Using 3/16” cold roll steel rod I formed up the trunk design. Welded steel to steel which makes for a most excellent weld. Then came time for making a ton of steel rivet tabs, then welded on @ 5/32” rivet. Artwork of course had to be added to all panels and took a considerable amount of time to do. All by hand with a few hammers, punches, awls and engraver. Trunk had to open to access the two new Lithium 52 volt batteries. I installed a 1 - 2 switch to switch from battery 1 to battery 2. You have to manually check battery charge. With the trunk recently completed my goal has been achieved. Goal: Make reliable human power / electric assist transpo. I did and have been riding back and forth to work. Mission Accomplished!

CQ - Build Continues

Sometimes Art takes its time, in this case mine. Copper Quad recently had a Doc appt, a few minor things taken care of. Copper skinning has begun and is taking shape nicely. Stop by for Nov Arts Alive to see for yourself.

Post ARTS ALIVE!! May 2018

Cinco de Mayo & ARTS ALIVE all rolled into one fun time. Octo Madness hit the streets and was a big hit, thank you all for the great coments. Feedback such as this continues to fuel my Artistic need to do Art every single dang day.  Next up, functioning 'lectric geetar, copper body almost complete. Standby for more great Art!