Vietnam Road Trip 2017
Guess the planets were in alignment with everything else and price couldn't beat, so I cruised back to Vietnam for one month, Mar-Apr 2017. Goal set again one sketch a day for every day on the road. I started at San Francisco Int'l airport, these two ladies had nothing to do with each other other than waiting for our ride to Seoul, Korea. These were what I call "fast rips" 1-2 min draw, that's it.

San Francisco - Seoul, welcome to long haul
Emergent exit aisle, check. Sitting on tarmac for maybe twenty min no problem to do a fast rip. She thought I was drawing little porthole window starboard side airplane, nope drawing you. I showed her when done, she liked & her name was Lee.

Saigon or Ho Chi Minh City - whichever you prefer
So I arrive back to Saigon late night, hole up same hotel same rooster next door. I'm out down to do some fast draws. Dude to the right is spot on lady top left good to go and the last wanted to be drawn but bailed within a couple seconds.

Bui Vien, Saigon
People watching 101 in these parts. Top two girls were just chillin while working, lots of talking and perfect opportunity to sketch. Recognized lady with pony tail later on in stay. Bottom very vague late night shadows.

Crazy Buffalo 2016
At this point of my trip last year I was full on into lots of sketches, warmed up per se, security guard providing cover I sketch this, always cool to see where you were and where you are now.

Crazy Buffalo!
Decided to re-sketch sketches from last year, see what changes and what doesn't. Remember security guard watching out for me? This year I sketch from same spot then cross street to Crazy Buffalo and sketch that scene.

Crazy Buffalo looking out
So I cross the street, find a table and chair order up some chow and sketch this directly across from where I was just standing. Awesome idea!

Heroin Blvd vs Good Blvd
Last year I really didn't check my sketch surroundings, you know check the stuff out around you first, situational awareness? People were shooting up Heroin here last year, this year no problem, so re-sketch! Here I have just arrived Saigon only a few days.

Heroin Blvd
Saigon out and about checked out market day before good sketch material, next day do the draw only to find people to my right and left are shooting up Heroin. What to do, leave or finish up needless to say I finished up faster than normal.

Quick Rip - Saigon
This one I'm actually having some lunch in nice aircon coolness when this lady starts doing stuff across the street. Perfect until she leaves, but then comes back and repeats numerous times. By then I have my sketch.

Quick Rip Saigon Street Style
I'm walking in District 1 Saigon belly full need another sketch when I happen upon this guy working moto scooter stuff. I start drawing him in and a lady helper off to his right comes over and sees what I'm up too. Tell's Tom dude working I'm sketching him, good to go!

Ben Thanh Market - Saigon
If you've been to Saigon then you'll recognize this market. Last year's sketch was from inside roundabout this year not happening due to construction. Why there's cow heads I don't know.

Ben Thanh Market 2016
This view I crossed millions of motoscooters to round about to sketch, this year all closed off due to subway construction.

Fast Draw - Ben Thanh Market
Inside the market is anything and everything you can imagine, here this lady is obviously on the phone while working, what else is new. She's not moving so I go for quick rip, she doesn't know it but lady friends do and let her know. Showed her and she said her name was Soan, nice.

Saigon Adventure continues
Part of the draw to draw is finding stuff like this out and about walking aimlessly thinking you know where you're at but actually have no clue, oh well sketch on. This one too cool not too. Got Curves?

How I missed this last year I don't know, glad I didn't this year! Down by the water is where you'll find me and I found this couple working the fishing stuff.

Backside Vung Tau
Love the people of Vietnam, this lady was busy cooking stuff up and mid draw she walks off and passes me. I show her what I'm doing and ask if she'll go back so I can finish, big smile. Her name is Chung.

Favorite Viet Sketch 2017 - Vung Tau
This sketch was a two fer one, another market with all kinds of stuff going on inside and out. This lady was honkered down selling strawberries. Perfect, she's not moving and quick rip applies. Her friends of course were telling her what I was dong and finally she got up and came over, big smiles!

Mui Ne
Heading up the coast to the "White/Red Sand Dunes" Mui Ne, we stop driver says, "you 15 mins we go" No problem skippy perfect time to draw. What you don't see is the thousands of boats offshore and one kid riffling through your pockets.
Draw what you see
Last sketch you saw end result, this is the "making of sketch" Some young Chinese woman was shooting pics of me when I asked if she'd take some of me, so here I am on scene doing the draw!

I literally rolled outta this little place where I had a most awesome chicken soup and found this. Yep, belly full again sun going down and this, hell ya I have to draw this! Spelling is correct on Beepub.

First night in sun fading fast and I see this, oh hell ya! Artist Alley how can you not? Owner of restaurant comes out and gives approval, another top dog draw to the Viet.

Cham Musuem - Danang City
Lots of cool stone sculptures from the Cham Kingdom of yesteryear here. Lots of people didn't deter me from these sketches, should of done more. Capture the moment.

Cham Museum
Like I said people everywhere, sniffing shit, looking, what you doin. I'm just sketching this stone carving please give me some breathing room thank you. I really like this sketch, working more on the subtle fade outs and hit the main "bam" spots.

Dananag City
Bamboo Bar place to get breakfast everyday while you stay. Pho Bo & Tiger beer served up hot wherever you want to sit street side.

Bamboo 2 - 2016
This was my first attempt of Bamboo 2 on my first Viet Holiday.

Nhi - Knee
Just returning back to the neighborhood of Danang City, Han river front, time for food and drink. That's when the girls of Bamboo ask "where you been" I sketch, okay you sketch me. So I sketch Nhi, had to tell her to stop fussing and moving. She liked.

Hoi An
Last year my favorite draw was from Hoi An, decided to go back but didn't succeed in best sketch, but this was pretty close.

Hoi An
Last years version amazing to see the differences

Seuol, Korea
Long layover in Seoul 10 hours, not to worry with free tours. Jumped on five hour tour and headed out this sketch very basic, only 1-2 min in when tour guide said, "lets go". I learned a lot on this trip, draw more people love it.