“Humboldt Cruzer” - Machine is up and running as of today, numerous round turns left and right, handles great and fast, very fast! ARTS ALIVE - August 2018.

Front end rebuilt, back to old school of brazing. Old head tubes had to come out, fire up the torch and re-melt the brass. While the brass is liquid form brush it out with a wire brush. No muss no fuss. Take your time and the thing will ride nice just like this baby.

Coming up with new ideas all the time takes things to the extreme sometimes. What to do next? Look around, look at your surroundings. This is my attempt to capture what is happening in todays world. I can’t make this stuff up.

This quick draw is where it all started, man shit in this world is messed up bad.

No one takes the time to just enjoy the moment.

No description neccessary.

Pan Man

These two girls were about the same age and size but the one on the right, well she’s larger than life.

Hold on haven’t check my phone in like 5 minutes!

The Yeller

Mister Pissed Off!

Mind your helm sailor. This guy was actually pushing a cart of some sort with bike stashed up top, looks like he’s sailing a boat.

Smoke em if you got em

This lady is def one pissed off woman, woof woof!

So here I am in front of the most scariest Mansions in the world and I’m on my phone, time to un-plug.

Slice o phone with my pizza? Yea.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road to - Sidelines?

This concludes our phone test, standby for test results.