Hemp Cruisers #5

Hemp Cruisers week Five continues! Time flies that fast. Car #5 up and running front window display for all your great curbside viewing, no admission charged. Free all day long, night too. Also did a quick change out and put in “My Whales” two copper whales swimming. This is from private collection and is not for sale. However I foresee a new copper whale coming to life.

Hemp Cruiser #2 week 2 of fourteen week show, say that one five times fast!

Smell the burnt rubber all the way across the street to Fish & Game, old town Eureka. As promised the Hemp Cruiser run continues. With the Daytona 500 in the rear view this one is in the Front View! Act now don’t wait fore it may be too late and gone in 60 seconds!

Humboldt Freedom

Ideas that become reality - Humboldt Freedom the latest to reach that status, nice. Sometimes you gotta toot your own horn, toot toot this ones in the books, el finee! completo! Simple ideas soon morph into something more complex, let the piece take you where it needs to go. Spend the time to make it actually happen. Most importantly finish that bad dog cuz something unfinished is just unfinished. Make it happen.

Doing this build took me back to being a kid in Iowa growing up building car models with my brother, we’d paint em up make em look real. Fast forward now the same except I have to come up with the idea, make the parts and assemble, no big deal thats the fun part. Remember where you came from and you will go far.

2025 has arrived with a bang

Unfortunately it hasn’t been the best of weeks, buddies best friend seeing eye dog Releve unexpectedly died day before NYE, what a serious bummer. So I took a bit of down time to reflect but also to know this hound would of said “get your ass back to work” so I have been, slowly. “Humboldt Freedom” trike sculpture is close to completion but when you add a rider you add that much more time and effort. Let the piece decide where it goes, you will know when it’s time to say “when”. Enjoy the ride, 2025 has arrived!

North Coast Open Studios - Update

Time flies when creating Art. World needs more of it and I do my best. This weekend June 11 & 12, 2022 North Coast Open Studios continues with 2nd weekend of art filled studios. Please stop by and check out some really cool copper sculpture, one of a kind that you will never see anywhere else. See you Sat & Sun 10-5, “the fish guy”.

Art update

Wow time just vaporizes one min you are in the Art zone and next its six months later. Still showing my copper work at the Art Center Space located in Old Town Eureka. May 7 Arts Alive once again, look for the CQ cruising the streets. North Coast Open Studios will be open second weekend June 2022 both Sat & Sun. Stop by and pick up a cool shark, lighthouse or whatever fits your fancy. Thank you for supporting the Arts.

Hemphill Copperworks & Mendenhall Studios - NO MORE

Hi all, passing the good word I have closed shop at my downtown location, relocating back to my home studio. Life is good, ART is the best. Stay positive during this pandemic, one day we’ll be back to normal. I can be found cruising around town in the CQ or you can contact through my website. Thanks all.

Not much to post Covid continues

Covid still goes but does that stop you from doing stuff? New shark build close to completion, very large and in charge. He goes by “Shark Buoy”. Very large dark intimidating eyes 2.5” all wrapped in a copper skin. Check out Shark Buoy first chance you get. You will be scared!

End of the Art year 2019

Really don’t know where the time goes, maybe kayaking on good days is the answer? Anyways lots of new works as of late. Keeping up with a changing theme every month for Arts Alive keeps one busy. Busy is good. I’ll be open along with Glass Garage weekends in December. Stop by for some most excellent deals!

Copper Quad Art Car

Guess it’s been awhile since I’ve added to my log. Copper Quad copper skinning has been completed entire frame has been primed & painted. Copper skin have all been riveted together. Have experienced a few breakdowns due to the additional weight of the body. Two broken front spokes, wheels in for repairs. Then forward mounting bracket broke. No problem easy fix just need to beef up the weld, good to go! Arts Alive April 6, 6-9pm!

Arts Alive - November 2018

Cardboard skin for the Copper Quad you ask? Why yes, gives me time over time to contemplate whether I like the design I have in front of me. If something doesn’t work then tear it out and do something else. After all its only cardboard found in the dumpster across the street. Free 99 all dang day long!

CQ - Build Continues

Sometimes Art takes its time, in this case mine. Copper Quad recently had a Doc appt, a few minor things taken care of. Copper skinning has begun and is taking shape nicely. Stop by for Nov Arts Alive to see for yourself.

Copper Quad - The Build Continues

Who would of known an idea or thought would take this much time and effort. Things are progressing at a fast build pace. Take your time and knock out the small stuff and soon you’re there, done. Well almost. I’ve learned alot on this project and is fun to take a JoyRide around Old Town.