Live draw
Normally I don't draw people and reason goes back to doing a portrait of a woman in Dominican Republic. When I was done she didn't like it too much hence not drawing people. Recently though I got out of my comfort zone and started a few weeks back drawing live models. Big stretch for me but very rewarding!

#2 draw
Friends daughter was the model of the night and this one was the fav of the evening.

Warm up draws
We did maybe 8-10 quick 1 min draws, I like to call them "rips". Not much time but is cool to see what you come out with.

1 min Rips
More of the 1 min rips, some turn out many do not, still good tho.

Live Nude
This is my first attempt at sketching a live nude model. This is about the 15min mark and was able to get shading in as well. I'm finding that after doing the warm up sketches you get in motion of how to draw the person.

Siren Song Draw
Yet another Wednesday evening live draw, find starting and completing the sketch in the allotted time can be tough. That is the goal.

Frontal view
She had on what appeared to be a colonial style dress and posed many shading problems, ah just figure it out already!

Backside twist
Drawing faces can be pretty intimidating, this pose didn't seem as mean as the big bad wolf. Here I'm working on my shading techniques more, all with Sharpie pens.

Live nude draw #2
I'm happy with this turnout, not much time but just enough to get the point across.

Live nude #2 backside
The more I draw the same person the more comfortable I become, kinda get to know the lines that goes with the face. Trying to keep things in proportion sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. That's why they call it ART!