Hemp Cruisers #6 & 7 now showing

Week six and seven combined in this weeks road racing of old town Eureka. Stuff happens when you draw two draws on the same small page. Oh well productivity is paramount. You don’t accomplish anything if you don’t apply yourself. Make stuff happen now, every single day! Go ART!

These Cruisers will be up and running for window view for the next week. Stop on by

Hemp Cruisers #5

Hemp Cruisers week Five continues! Time flies that fast. Car #5 up and running front window display for all your great curbside viewing, no admission charged. Free all day long, night too. Also did a quick change out and put in “My Whales” two copper whales swimming. This is from private collection and is not for sale. However I foresee a new copper whale coming to life.

Hemp Cruisers & Georgia Long now showing, Arts Alive 1 March 2025

This month for the second in a row the “Space” featured Artist is Georgia Long - Gravitas, oil on canvas, cold wax too. Hemp Cruisers has elbowed my way into the show as well. Week three of fourteen continues. Check out all the great Art. We are located at 620 2nd street, Old Town Eureka.

Hemp Cruiser #2 week 2 of fourteen week show, say that one five times fast!

Smell the burnt rubber all the way across the street to Fish & Game, old town Eureka. As promised the Hemp Cruiser run continues. With the Daytona 500 in the rear view this one is in the Front View! Act now don’t wait fore it may be too late and gone in 60 seconds!

The show must go on

Flying Copper Contraptions anyone? Yes their still out there flying around “The Space” in Old Town Eureka, 620 2nd to be exact. Yesterday I did a little massaging of the space and moved the Fly Boys up towards the front of the store. Perfect for window viewing and of course shopping! Next months featured artist will be Georgia Long, check her work out you will like. Enjoy!

2025 has arrived with a bang

Unfortunately it hasn’t been the best of weeks, buddies best friend seeing eye dog Releve unexpectedly died day before NYE, what a serious bummer. So I took a bit of down time to reflect but also to know this hound would of said “get your ass back to work” so I have been, slowly. “Humboldt Freedom” trike sculpture is close to completion but when you add a rider you add that much more time and effort. Let the piece decide where it goes, you will know when it’s time to say “when”. Enjoy the ride, 2025 has arrived!

Finish the year with a copper sculpture! Watch "Humboldt Freedom" be built from ground up

Idea was simple, build a 70’s style trike chopper, knucklehead engine. Figure out all the rest along the ride. Ordered race slicks and motorcycle kids toy tires for a perfect burn out kinda sculpture. Of course as all pieces they take a life of their own and this one has as well. A three belt drive system? Humboldt Belt Co. supplied all the necessary belts to make the “Humboldt Freedom” fly like the wind. Check out the “as we build” show. Build continues till finished. So check back in once in awhile and see the progress. Goal have this racer rolling by Christmas. Thanks for stopping by.

End of the year what to do?

The big rush of creating new artwork for “Featured Artist” always puts a foot in my backside. Get stuff done now today, do not wait for tomorrow! Looking forward to 2025 many things come to mind. Ferndale sketches are sighted in along with yet another world travel yet to be determined. In talking with a buddy yesterday the topic came up whether art is selling, my answer was simple, no. Just because my artwork does not sell does not mean that gives me a free pass to loaf the rest of my life. I have the natural born talent it would be sad for me not to pursue my art until I can no longer. I see many people with talent that they just waste, how sad. Get Motivated now! For tomorrow may never come. Art on my friends!

Two shows rolled into one. Flying Copper Contraptions & Europe sketches 2024

Had the great opportunity to be the featured Artist for the third month straight so what to do? Get busy and make Art. So I set out and with a buddy who wanted to learn the coppersmith trade. Mike showed up everyday for three weeks, job still incomplete. Lots of learning was had, a humbling expeirence. He said “you make it look easy, which it is not”. Over 100 hours combined effort to pull this one off. Base company is Talon Air with the airplane named Fish Hawk 5 for five props and five screw ups by Mike. Enjoy the ride! Arts Alive Dec 7, 2024

"Taking it to the streets - Europe 2024"

Show will be showing until the end of 2024. “The Space” located at 620 2nd street old town Eureka is open M-Sat so stop on by when it’s good for you. Get lost in Europe even if only for a short moment. We all need a nice break once in awhile.

Arts Alive - Dec 2022

Time sure flies when were doing what we want to be doing and not what someone else thinks we should be doing. Big thanks to Monica & Liam owners of Art Center Space Old Town Eureka. We are given opportunities in life, sometimes we take them sometimes we don't. This one I did and WOW! Stop down for Arts Alive if in town, but if you missed it show will be up and running for entire month of December 2022. Thanks for everyones support. Scott

North Coast Open Studios - Update

Time flies when creating Art. World needs more of it and I do my best. This weekend June 11 & 12, 2022 North Coast Open Studios continues with 2nd weekend of art filled studios. Please stop by and check out some really cool copper sculpture, one of a kind that you will never see anywhere else. See you Sat & Sun 10-5, “the fish guy”.

Art update

Wow time just vaporizes one min you are in the Art zone and next its six months later. Still showing my copper work at the Art Center Space located in Old Town Eureka. May 7 Arts Alive once again, look for the CQ cruising the streets. North Coast Open Studios will be open second weekend June 2022 both Sat & Sun. Stop by and pick up a cool shark, lighthouse or whatever fits your fancy. Thank you for supporting the Arts.