Octo Build begins
Octopus requires four lights that light, one 1900's circa ship & one arm hanging from ceiling. Ceiling light if you will.
Wire in process 1/16" steel rod add some brass
This part of the sculpture gives me the most aniexty, how will it look in the end. Trust yourself and start somewhere, this is that somewhere.
First come the basic ideas
Then time to sketch get a feel for the piece. Two old style gas lights two regular electric & one old sailing ship will go into this piece.
Had to shore up the loose ends, time for bigger steel rod getting close to the skinning process. This will be a hanging functioning light when completed.
Octopus have "arms" not tentacles or legs or crawly things. Did you know they have three hearts? Ducks not included
Feeling suckered? Skinning of two legs takes some time about one weeks worth. Then time to make suckers, little ones, medium and big ones all of steel rod. Can you say "Sure bend alot"?
Legs one and two done now only six more to go. This is a time sucker thats for sure!
Copper conduit re-work had to rip out smaller stuff and go bigger gotta stuff the wire somewhere.
Copper skinning process from start to finish just add oxy/acey some steel and brass no big deal.
Skinning these arms have been a huge challenge to say the least. Octo's have tappering arms so I need to apply that. Working outward I cut out small steel rod and free form the copper no easy task. Have I learned something? "Oh heck ya"
Four arm stage leaving two unfinished till I get to the "lighting" part. More to follow.
Time to build the sailing ship Balclutha built in Scotland in 1886.
Arm will be holding ship.
Here I'm working on the arm and ship at the same time. Do hot work on one piece let cool move onto next weld. Repeat till done.
Keeping the build to scale next up the masts.
I'm liking the outcome of this build, might have to make a bigger one.
Get a mast up!
Ship build complete.
Arm holding ship something like this?
Time to skin a head!
Eyes made of steel I melted, wanted different color variation to the copper. Then braze the small copper pieces which will become the outside of each eyeball.
Early eyes weld from the backside I say.
Heck this could be a sculpture in itself. This is my work area, some have computers, I have fire!
Siphon hole 101 and yes theres another one on the other side too!
Add one siphon now were talking Octo language.
Adding the head piece really brings entire piece together, getting very close now, one more arm to go.
I'm liking this piece alot and has required a ton of patience.

Octo all done and lit up

Octo now resides in client's home hanging and lighting brightly

Huge piece, learned a lot - have fun in doing what you do