Humboldt Bay coloring book

Humboldt Bay coloring book coming soon to an Art store near you! This book is completely different from the Eureka coloring book & will be full of sea type critters, flying ones too. Gotta have some boat action and don’t forget about our favorite Fisherman sculpture watching over Woodley island. Book should go on sale soon for $20 bucks. Go ART!

Hemp Cruisers #5

Hemp Cruisers week Five continues! Time flies that fast. Car #5 up and running front window display for all your great curbside viewing, no admission charged. Free all day long, night too. Also did a quick change out and put in “My Whales” two copper whales swimming. This is from private collection and is not for sale. However I foresee a new copper whale coming to life.

"Taking it to the streets - Europe 2024"

Show will be showing until the end of 2024. “The Space” located at 620 2nd street old town Eureka is open M-Sat so stop on by when it’s good for you. Get lost in Europe even if only for a short moment. We all need a nice break once in awhile.

Europe Sketch-A-Thon 2024!

Yet another world travel has come and gone, where did the time fly too? This one a fifty day run starting in Spain then heading east to eastern Europe. My third trip to Spain but first for Barcelona. Can’t understand the lingo but some I can. Goal once again, a sketch a day for everyday on the road. Usually, the first ten days are kinda slow then once I’m back to eating normal for other parts of the world game on. First draw was of an Antoni Gaudi facade. Note to self warm up drawing before starting a sketch of this magnitude. Quick stop to an old friend Joyce in southern France then onward to Marseilles & Nice. Nice is very nice but beware of the mosquitos. They feasted on me heavily. From there onward to Venice via Paris. They say “Venezia” please make a note of it. Train to Venezia you depart Venezia Mestre heading for Venezia S. Lucia platform unknown till last minute. Should be called the canals and step adventure. Toss in a few thousand of your closet luggage hauling friends you get the picture. This was the best place I had for food so far. Italian every night right across from hotel. Man that was good. That was until I hit Budapest. Was occupied by Soviet troops up until 1989 welcome to Soviet style buildings. Big and burly, bomb proof. You have “Buda” with the castles on one side of the Danube river. “Pest” on the other side with the big Parliament building. You get Budapest. Most excellent food here. Go directly to the big Market and your nose will point you in the right direction for good food. One nights wandering I found the best restaurant entire trip. Music was playing by a guy on fiddle, another some type string instrument and sitting outdoors streetside. Very nice. From there quick stop in Poland, yet another word for toilet check! Finally Amsterdam and yet another huge walk a thon, think my feet are going to fall off at this point. Amsterdam has more canals than Venice and doesn’t have stairs, I will take that! Van Gogh to red light district, leaning buildings too. Average stay was around six days in each place, some only a few. A week wasn’t long enough in some of these but was an amazing way to see how your life changes with a new set of goals. Go explore everyday. Sketch what you see along the way. Finish your days sketches then log in the journal days events. Too many cool things to remember you have to log it to remember. How fasicinating to go back and read that particular days events and walkabouts. Enjoy!

"Art Passport" my art on navigational charts

New idea for me, chart art has been around awhile and thought I’d like to re-visit this once again. My original airbrush “chart art” of Trinidad harbor hangs on my living room wall to this day. Everyone loves a passport stamp so I’ve come up with many of my own styles. Combining local charts with local art scenes is 100% spot on everything!